Welcome to Garry's Mod 12 Resurrected

You have chosen, or have been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers

So... What even is this?

Here's a short rundown, Garry's Mod 12 Resurrected is a community of people who use Garry's Mod 12, released in 2010 on Steam because they're either nostalgic or are interested in how old Garry's Mod was like

What else about this "nostalgia community"?

Here, we discuss everything Garry's Mod 12 Related, host events, and all those sorts of stuff.
That's about it

Here's a better question, why?

We think that Garry's Mod 12 is really overshadowed by it's next version, Garry's Mod 13, and there's still so much creative freedom you can achieve with the Garry's Mod 12 version alone, hell, you can even get some good stuff out of Garry's Mod 5 if you try hard enough

Where do I get Garry's Mod 12?

To get Garry's Mod 12, you need to go to the Downloads page and download the version you prefer, we use the Reboxed version of Garry's Mod 12 since it's way more stable, has functioning ToyBox and is also the version 90% of the community uses.

NOTE: The community is currently migrating to that verison, so don't be surprised that some people will use the original SourceMod version to host!

Where do i join this "supa mega nostalgia old gmod" community?

You can join the community by going over to the Chatroom page, this will direct you to the Discord Server where everyone is, people will also help you resolve any types of issues you can find either during install, or if you fucked something up during an addon install